Which example characterizes the use of

autonomous language?

I am thinking example A,but I'm not sure

1. Mary,age four,says to her mother,
"I would like a banana,please," instead
of pointing or using other sounds and
gestures to get the banana.

2. When three-year-old Alfonso is thirsty,he points to the water faucet
or to an empty glass.

3. Four-year old Ling shows her appreciation for a treat her mother
has given her by smiling and nodding her
head up and down.

4. At three,Jeremy has learned to say,"banana," with the correct pronunciationof all three syllables.

I agree. A. is the best answer.

The example that characterizes the use of autonomous language is example 1. In this example, Mary, age four, uses words to specifically communicate her desire for a banana to her mother. This reflects the use of autonomous language because Mary is independently expressing her needs and wants through the use of verbal communication.