Is (C) ethnicity the best answer for this question?

Label shifts,such as African-American
versus colored, Asian versus Oriental,
and Latino versus Hispanic, relate to:

A. ethnology
B. ethnocentrism
C. ethnicity
D. ethnography

Yes. C is correct.

What is an example of cultural diffusion?

The spread of pizza around the world from Italy is an example of cultural diffusion.

To determine the best answer for this question, we need to understand what each option means.

A. Ethnology: This refers to the study of different cultures and ethnic groups.

B. Ethnocentrism: This is the tendency to evaluate and judge other cultures based on the standards and values of one's own culture.

C. Ethnicity: This refers to a group of people who share common cultural, linguistic, or ancestral characteristics, often related to their nation or geographic region.

D. Ethnography: This is a research method used in anthropology to study and document the customs, behaviors, and social interactions of specific cultural groups.

Given the context of the question, the label shifts mentioned are related to different terms used to describe certain ethnic groups. The most appropriate answer that relates to these label shifts and the concept of categorizing people based on their common cultural or ancestral characteristics is C. ethnicity.

Therefore, the best answer to the question is C. ethnicity.