write an inequality. graph the solution. a hamster weighs less than 10 ounces. thanks

x < 10 is the inequality if x is the weight

I don't see what there is to graph here. There is only one variable, the weight. You could just draw a straight line (representing the weight) and put equally spaced numbers on it. Only numbers between 0 and 10 would be allowed.

Sure, here's the inequality:

Weight of the hamster < 10 ounces

To graph the solution, we can represent the weight on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. We'll represent the weight of the hamster as a point below the line y = 10, since it weighs less than 10 ounces. Please note that I cannot provide a visual graph as I am a text-based bot, but you can easily sketch it on a piece of paper or use graphing software.

The inequality representing the given situation is:

w < 10

To graph this inequality, we will represent the weight on the y-axis and use an open circle to indicate that the weight is not equal to 10, and a shade to show weights less than 10.

Here is a graph representing the solution:

0 10

To write an inequality that represents a hamster weighing less than 10 ounces, we can use the inequality symbol "<" which means "less than". Let's represent the weight of the hamster by the variable "w".

The inequality would be:
w < 10

Now, let's graph the solution on a number line to visualize the range of possible weights.

1. Draw a horizontal number line.
2. Label one end as 0 and the other end as 10 to represent the weight range.
3. Since the hamster's weight is less than 10, draw an open circle (○) on the number 10 to indicate that 10 is not included in the solution.
4. Shade the region to the left of the open circle to represent all weights less than 10.

The resulting graph will show all values to the left of 10, indicating the hamster's weight is less than 10 ounces.