I need to translate

Suggest to your friend a gift she/he should buy David. ( USE PODER)

Usted ???? HELP PLEASE

Hello again, Sam...

poder = to be able "can"

You can buy a record for David.

Tú puedes comprarle a David un disco.


P.S. OOPS = Did you want to use "usted?" Usually with a friend it is "tú."

Usted puede comprarle, etc.

To translate the given sentence using the verb "poder" (to be able), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the subject of the sentence. In this case, the subject is "you" (formal singular), which is translated as "usted" in Spanish.

Step 2: Form the sentence structure in Spanish. Since the original sentence suggests something to be done (suggest to your friend), the verb "poder" will be used in the form of "pueda" (3rd person singular, present subjunctive) to express this suggestion. The direct object "a gift" will be translated as "un regalo," and the indirect object "to David" will be translated as "a David."

Step 3: Combine all the elements to form the final translation: "Sugiera a su amigo/a un regalo que pueda comprar David."

Therefore, the translation of the given sentence using "poder" is: "Suggest to your friend a gift that David can buy."