When you have to graph a set of 14 numbers from 15 to 210,000 on graph paper, how do you decide what intervals to use for the graph when you only have 7 lines?

I would use semi-log paper, 5 cycle. I suppose you don't know what that is, but it is paper that is designed to go over a wide range.

For regular paper, It is a problem. Try to get the numbers most common in a scale that you can read, but undoubtly, some will be hard to plot.

I need help!

the problem says to determine whether the given ordered pair is a solution of the equation.
heres the porblem:


When deciding what intervals to use on a graph with a limited number of lines, the goal is to represent the given set of numbers as accurately as possible while maintaining readability. Here's how you can decide on the intervals to use for your graph:

1. Determine the range: Start by finding the difference between the maximum and minimum values in your set of numbers. In this case, the range is 210,000 - 15 = 209,985.

2. Divide the range by the number of lines: Since you have 7 lines, divide the range by 7 to get an approximate interval size. In this case, 209,985 / 7 = 29,998.57 (approximately).

3. Choose a round interval: Based on the calculation above, you can round the interval to 30,000 for simplicity.

4. Decide on the starting point: Choose a starting point that is relatively close to the lowest value in your set of numbers. In this case, you can start at 0 or choose a value slightly above 0, like 10,000, to give your graph some room at the bottom.

5. Mark the intervals: Start from your chosen starting point and mark the intervals on your graph paper using the rounded interval size. For example:
- Starting point: 10,000
- Interval 1: 40,000
- Interval 2: 70,000
- Interval 3: 100,000
- Interval 4: 130,000
- Interval 5: 160,000
- Interval 6: 190,000

6. Label the intervals: Once you have marked the intervals on your graph paper, label those intervals with the respective values. Ensure the labeling is clear and easy to read.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a graph that effectively represents the set of 14 numbers from 15 to 210,000 using 7 lines on the graph paper.