how would i multiply 365/365 x 364/365 x 363/365...all the way to 326/365 using excel or the ti-83 calculator without having to input all those numbers. please help. thanks.

In Excel

In A1 enter 365
In A2 enter +A1-1, copy A2 to A3...A365
In B1 enter +A1/365 copy B1 to B2...B365
In C1 enter +B1
In C2 enter +B2*C1 copy C2 to C3...C365

and you are done, Cell C365 has your answer.

To calculate the product of a long sequence of fractions like 365/365 x 364/365 x 363/365... all the way to 326/365, you can use either Excel or a TI-83 calculator. Here's how you can do it using both options:

Option 1: Using Excel

1. Open a new Excel sheet.
2. Enter the first fraction, 365/365, in cell A1.
3. Enter the number 364/365 next to it in cell A2.
4. In cell A3, use the formula "=A1*A2" to calculate the product of the previous two fractions.
5. Copy the formula from cell A3, and paste it down to cell A41 (or adjust the range to cover up to 326/365).
6. The final result will be displayed in cell A41.

Option 2: Using TI-83 Calculator

1. Turn on your TI-83 calculator.
2. Press the MATH button, then scroll right to find the PRB (Probability) menu, and select "prod(" by pressing the corresponding number or arrow key.
3. Type in the first fraction, 365/365, followed by a comma.
4. Type in the second fraction, 364/365, followed by a comma.
5. Continue this process until you enter the last fraction, 326/365.
6. Close the parenthesis and press ENTER.
7. The calculator will calculate and display the product of all the fractions.

By following these steps, you can obtain the answer to the multiplication of the fractions without having to input all the numbers manually.