whats one way the earths crust change??

Earthquakes: subduction, liquefaction, etc.


The earth's crust changes by water and wind erosion, tectonic plate movements, earthquakes, and volcanic action.

One way the Earth's crust changes is through the process of plate tectonics. To understand this, we need to learn about the three types of plate boundaries: divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, and transform boundaries.

1. Divergent Boundaries: At these boundaries, the Earth's crust is pulling apart or diverging. This creates a gap, called a rift, where new crust is formed. Magma, molten rock from the Earth's mantle, rises to the surface and solidifies, adding new material to the crust. This process occurs along mid-ocean ridges, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where new oceanic crust is constantly being created.

2. Convergent Boundaries: When two tectonic plates collide, it forms a convergent boundary. The type of crust involved determines the outcome. If the plates have oceanic crust, one plate will be forced beneath the other in a process called subduction. As the subducting plate sinks into the mantle, it melts, generating magma, which can then rise to the surface and form volcanic mountains along the boundary. If the plates have continental crust, they collide and buckle, forming mountain ranges like the Himalayas.

3. Transform Boundaries: These boundaries occur where two plates slide past each other horizontally. Here, the crust is neither destroyed nor created but can experience significant stress and deformation. When the stress is released, it results in earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary.

Plate tectonics is a complex and ongoing process that causes various changes to the Earth's crust, including the creation of new crust, the formation of mountains, and the occurrence of earthquakes.