need to apply the moral theory of rule utilitarianism in my essay but i don't really understand what it is. i tried google and wiki but it doesnt really provide me with clear meaning, or examples.

could someone please explain to be as simple as possible what RULE utiliarianism is? (not just utilitarianism?)

thank you so much in advance!

This is the best definition I found.

"rule utilitarianism
Also called restricted or indirect utilitarianism.

"Version of utilitarianism which says (in its main formulation) that our duty is not to aim for that act which will produce in fact the best overall consequences (because of the impossibility or impracticability of predicting these) but to follow that rule which would have the best consequences if generally followed."

(Broken Link Removed)

Here's an example of rule utilitarianism. Prosecuting and punishing thieves is a rule followed by most societies. It generally brings about the most good for the most people. But what if the thief is a poor person who stole a loaf of bread because he was hungry? This is the theme of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables when Jean Valjean was persecuted for this crime.

Another example of rule utilitarianism from my experience involved an impoverished high school student who was struggling with her family and her classes. The principal saw that she was wearing a skirt that was an inch or so shorter than the school rules required. He sent her home -- a several block walk -- to change her skirt. This caused her to miss a class and gave her another reason to dislike school.

how do the examples apply to the moral theory? does rule utiliarianism say that the theif IS a bad person according to rule utiliarianism? also, for the girl example, does rule utilitarianism support the principal because he was following the rules in which benefit and is fair to everyone?

A post script -- we noted at the time that the "in" girls got by with wearing skirts that were deemed "too short" but the principal ignored these violations.

Rule utilitarianism supports following the rule, no matter what the individual circumstances are.

The people who follow this doctrine of rule utilitarianism are convinced we must always follow the rule that produces the most good for the most people. It doesn't judge whether the thief is a bad person; it just says that he stole and must be punished. He broke the law.

Rule utilitarianism supports the principal who enforced the dress code rule.

okay. for exmaple, in a case of scientific fraud, rule utiliarianism would say its "bad", because the rule is that fabrication of data/scientific misconduct is wrong? but wouldnt that be just stating what you're trying to prove? what would be the "rule" part in terms of scientific fraud?

thank you for being so patient with me!

You're welcome. I'm enjoying our conversation.

Scientific fraud is obviously against the rules of science. Scientists observe and report the truth of their observations. You stated the rule --"fabrication of data/scientific misconduct is wrong."

With rule utilitarianism, a scientist who committed fraud or fabricated data would be condemned because s/he violated the rule.

wow, everything became so much clearer right after that post. thank you so much, i get it now!!


That's why I love this board.

Of course! I'd be happy to explain rule utilitarianism to you.

Utilitarianism is a moral theory that focuses on the consequences of actions. It suggests that the right action is the one that produces the greatest overall happiness or "utility" for the greatest number of people. Rule utilitarianism, sometimes also called indirect utilitarianism, is a specific version of utilitarianism.

In rule utilitarianism, instead of assessing the rightness or wrongness of each individual act, we look at the consequences of following a certain rule or set of rules. These rules are designed to promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people in society. So, rather than deciding what to do in each specific situation, rule utilitarianism provides general guidelines or principles to follow.

The idea behind rule utilitarianism is that by following these rules consistently, we can create a more stable and predictable society where people know what to expect from each other. This allows individuals to plan their lives and make informed decisions based on the rules that are established for the greater good.

For example, consider the rule "honesty is the best policy." In rule utilitarianism, this rule would suggest that it is generally better to be honest in all situations, as consistently following this rule promotes trust, cooperation, and overall happiness in society.

It's important to note that rule utilitarianism does not mean that individuals should blindly follow rules in every situation without considering the specific circumstances. In some instances, deviating from a rule may lead to better overall consequences and, therefore, be justified.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.