Should I write By: Deb Miller or

By Deb Miller on my poster?

We don't usually put a colon after "By"

You should put

By Deb Miller

on your poster.

To decide between "By: Deb Miller" or "By Deb Miller" on your poster, consider the context and style you want to portray.

1. "By: Deb Miller":
Using "By:" before the name can create a more formal or professional tone. It is commonly used in academic or official presentations where a clear attribution is required. This format explicitly indicates that Deb Miller is the creator or author of the content.

2. "By Deb Miller":
Using "By" without the colon is more commonly seen in casual or creative contexts, such as artwork, blogs, or informal displays. It is a simpler and less formal way of crediting the creator. This style is often used if you want to project a more approachable or friendly vibe.

Consider the purpose and audience of your poster, and choose the format that aligns with the intended tone and style.

To decide whether to write "By: Deb Miller" or "By Deb Miller" on your poster, you may consider the intended style and purpose of the poster. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make a decision:

1. Determine the desired level of formality: Consider the overall tone and audience of your poster. If it is a professional or formal setting, using "By: Deb Miller" may be more appropriate. This format adheres to a traditional convention of including a colon after the introductory phrase.

2. Consider space and visual appeal: Assess the available space on your poster. If you are limited in terms of space, using "By Deb Miller" without the colon can be more concise and visually appealing, allowing more room for other content on the poster.

3. Analyze consistency: Examine other elements on your poster, such as headers, titles, or credits. Pay attention to how other names or sources are presented. If those elements use "By:" to indicate authorship or attribution, it might be more consistent to follow the same style and use "By: Deb Miller."

4. Seek inspiration: Look for inspiration from posters in a similar context or field. Take note of how other creators have approached similar authorship attributions. This can help you gauge common practices and expectations within your specific domain.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to include the colon or not depends on your judgment considering the formality, space, coherence, and specific context of your poster.