list p(d){2,4,10}


(Determine from above n(p(D))

To determine the number of elements in set p(d), also known as the cardinality or size of the set, you need to count the number of elements in the set.

In this case, set p(d) is given as follows: {2, 4, 10}.

To find the number of elements in this set, you simply count the elements:

1) {} - Empty set, contains 0 elements
2) {2} - Contains 1 element
3) {2, 4} - Contains 2 elements
4) {2, 10} - Contains 2 elements
5) {4} - Contains 1 element
6) [4, 10] - Contains 2 elements (assuming this is a typo and meant to be {4, 10})
7) {10} - Contains 1 element
8) {2, 4, 10} - Contains 3 elements

So, the set p(d) contains 3 elements. Therefore, n(p(D)) = 3.