What the difference between an orbit in the Bohr model and an orbital in the quantum mechanical model of the atom?

The original Bohr orbits were circular. Sommerfeld added ellipticity and both of these were modeled after the solar system of the sun and planets. The quantum mechanical model has no structure in the sense that it behaves as the solar system or any other model with which we may be familiar. It is based strictly on mathematics. The atom is defined in terms of a mathematical term as is each orbit, etc.

In the Bohr model of the atom, an orbit refers to a specific path or trajectory followed by an electron around the nucleus. These orbits are well-defined, circular or elliptical paths with fixed energy levels. Each orbit corresponds to a specific energy level and a specific distance from the nucleus.

On the other hand, in the quantum mechanical model of the atom, the concept of an orbit is replaced by the concept of an orbital. An orbital is a three-dimensional region around the nucleus where the probability of finding an electron is highest. It describes the behavior and characteristics of an electron in terms of its energy, position, and spin. Unlike the well-defined orbits in the Bohr model, orbitals are not fixed paths but rather fuzzy regions.

To determine the difference between an orbit and an orbital, we need to understand the theoretical frameworks behind each model. The Bohr model is a simplification of the quantum mechanical model, which incorporates more accurate and complex mathematical descriptions of electron behavior. Whereas the Bohr model uses classical physics concepts of planetary-like orbits, the quantum mechanical model incorporates the principles of wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle to describe the electron's behavior in terms of probability.

To further explain the difference, consider the analogy of a planet orbiting the Sun. In the Bohr model, the orbit of an electron is similar to a planet following a fixed path around the nucleus, whereas in the quantum mechanical model, an orbital is more like a fuzzy cloud representing the probable location of the electron, where it is more likely to be found.

In summary, the main difference between an orbit in the Bohr model and an orbital in the quantum mechanical model is that an orbit is a well-defined path with fixed energy levels, while an orbital is a three-dimensional region around the nucleus where the electron is most likely to be found, described in terms of probability.