I still don't get what irredentism means ;S

Here's what GuruBlue posted this evening.

"From the Wikipedia
"irredentism is any position advocating annexation of territories administered by another state on the grounds of common ethnicity and/or prior historical possession, actual or alleged."

When the US "annexed" the Texas territory based on the fact that it was being settled by Americans, that would be irredentism."

Here's another definition.


Main Entry: ir·re·den·ta
Variant(s): also ir·ri·den·ta /"ir-i-'den-t&/
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian Italia irredenta, literally, unredeemed Italy, Italian-speaking territory not incorporated in Italy
: a territory historically or ethnically related to one political unit but under the political control of another."


Another example of irredentism is the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey. The Kurds are an ethnic group that have traditionally lived in the northern part of Iraq and southeastern Turkey. They'd like to be an independent nation, but are still governed by other nations. The Basques in northwestern Spain is another example of an ethnic group being ruled by another nation. The former Yugoslavia broke up because of irredentism -- ethnic groups being ruled by another ethnic group.


I get it =)

You're very welcome!

Great! :-) I'm glad you've got it now.

Irredentism refers to a political ideology or movement that aims to regain and reunify territory that is believed to belong to a particular ethnic or national group, but is currently under the control of another country. This can occur when a group of people feels that they have a historical or cultural claim to a certain region or when the borders of a country have been redrawn, separating a population from their homeland.

To understand the meaning of a term like irredentism, you can follow these steps:

1. Etymology: Start by breaking down the word "irredentism." The term comes from the Italian word "irredenta," meaning "unredeemed." This signifies the territories that are claimed to be "unredeemed" by a particular ethnic or national group.

2. Definition: Look up the term in a reliable dictionary or reputable online sources, such as academic websites or political science resources. This will help you gain a clear understanding of the concept and how it is commonly defined.

3. Historical context: Examine specific historical examples of irredentist movements or conflicts to grasp the practical application of the concept. Examples include the claims of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo or the desire for a Greater Hungary before World War I.

4. Political implications: Explore the political motivations and consequences of irredentism. Consider how such movements could impact international relations, territorial disputes, or ethnic tensions. Understanding the political implications can provide a broader context for comprehending the term.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the term 'irredentism' and its significance in the realm of politics and international relations.