Does not settle on standing:

I answered homogeneous mixture - solution and compound is this correct?

Can separate when allowed to stand alone I answered heterogenous mixture

* choices solution, compund, heterogenous mixture and homogeneous mixture

Right on both.

convert 6317km into m.

Based on the information provided, it seems like you are being asked to identify the type of substance that does not settle on standing and can separate when allowed to stand alone. Let's break down the options:

1. Solution: A solution is a homogeneous mixture, meaning it has a uniform composition throughout. Solutions do not separate into different components when allowed to stand alone, so it does not fit the description provided.

2. Compound: A compound is a substance composed of two or more elements chemically combined in fixed proportions. Compounds generally do not separate into their constituent elements when allowed to stand alone, so it does not match the provided description.

3. Heterogeneous mixture: A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that consists of visibly different substances or phases. It can separate into different components when allowed to stand alone. This matches the description you provided, so it seems like the correct answer.

4. Homogeneous mixture: A homogeneous mixture, also known as a solution, has a uniform composition throughout and does not separate into different components when allowed to stand alone. This does not fit the description provided.

Based on the information you provided, "heterogeneous mixture" seems to be the correct answer as it matches the given characteristics.