in the sentence- There are many ways to cook eggs- what is the subject?

Since "there" cannot be a subject because it's an adverb, we have to look for a noun or pronoun as the subject.

This sentence has only two nouns (and no pronouns).

The verb is ARE. Which of the two nouns ("ways" or "eggs") tell what ARE?

What do you think is the subject?

I think it's "ways"- my friends think it's "eggs"

Macey, Which makes better sense? "ways are" or "to cook eggs are". You are exactly right.

To identify the subject of a sentence, you need to determine who or what is performing the action or being discussed. In this case, the subject of the sentence is "There."

To find the subject, you can follow these steps:
1. Read the sentence carefully.
2. Identify the main verb (the action word) in the sentence, which in this case is "are."
3. Ask yourself the question "Who or what is 'are-ing'?" In other words, who or what is carrying out the action of the verb "are"?
4. In this sentence, the action "are" is not being performed by a specific noun or pronoun but rather a general existence of something. In such cases, we use "There" as a 'dummy subject.' It doesn't refer to a specific thing or person but is used for grammatical purposes.

So, the subject of the sentence "There are many ways to cook eggs" is "There."