I keep forgetting, but I have a test tomorrow: what is a linear pair?



A linear pair refers to a pair of adjacent angles that are formed when two lines intersect. To refresh your memory and understand what a linear pair is, you can follow these steps:

1. Recall the definition of an angle: An angle is formed by two rays that share a common endpoint, known as the vertex.

2. Understand adjacent angles: When two angles share a common vertex and have a common side, they are called adjacent angles. In the case of a linear pair, the adjacent angles are formed by two intersecting lines.

3. Visualize the linear pair: Draw two lines on a piece of paper or imagine them intersecting in your mind. The angles that are formed on either side of the intersection are the adjacent angles, which make up the linear pair.

4. Remember the properties of a linear pair: A linear pair is a special case of adjacent angles. The two angles in a linear pair must add up to 180 degrees, forming a straight line.

By following these steps, you should have a better understanding of what a linear pair is and be able to recall it more easily for your test.