HOW CAN WE MAKE A MODEL OF HEART WITHOUT USING THERMACOL..Plz give me idias of making a model of heart.

To make a model of a heart without using thermocol, you can try the following ideas:

1. Clay Model: You can use modeling clay or playdough to sculpt a heart shape. Start by forming a rough oval shape as the base and then mold the top to resemble the shape of a heart. Use a reference image or diagram of a heart to guide you while sculpting the different chambers and blood vessels.

2. Paper Mache: Create a heart-shaped mold from chicken wire or any similar material. Tear newspaper into small strips and dip them into a mixture of glue and water. Apply the strips onto the mold, layer by layer, allowing each layer to dry before adding the next. Repeat this process until you achieve the desired shape and thickness. Once completely dry, you can paint and decorate the paper mache heart model.

3. Cardboard or Foam: Draw and cut out two identical heart shapes from thick cardboard or foam sheets. Cut out smaller shapes to represent the various chambers of the heart and glue them onto one of the heart cutouts. Sandwich the smaller pieces between the two heart cutouts and secure them together with glue. You can then paint and decorate the model as desired.

4. Fabric Model: Cut out two identical heart shapes from red fabric. Stitch the edges together, leaving a small opening. Stuff the heart shape with cotton or polyester filling until it is plump and has the desired shape. Hand stitch the opening to close it. Add details like veins and arteries by stitching or gluing smaller pieces of fabric onto the heart.

Remember, these are just a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to experiment and modify these methods according to your preferences and available materials.