What will it cost to tile a kitchen floor that is 12 feet wide by 20 feet long if the tile costs $8.91 per square yard?

1 yard = 3 feet.

First calculate the area of the floor.
a=240 square feet

Convert the square feet into yards.
240/3= 80 square yards.

Calculate the cost.
$8.91 * 80 square yards = $712.80

It will cost: $712.80

ok im not sure how they got this answer but on this practice test for a college entrance exam they say that the answer is 237.60 .. if anyone knows how they got this please let me know cause i got 712.80..


To convert "square" feet to "square" yards you divide square feet by 9 (3 squared), right? Then the answer is $237.60.

To calculate the cost of tiling the kitchen floor, we need to determine the area of the floor first.

1. Calculate the area of the floor in square feet:
Area = Length × Width
Area = 12 ft × 20 ft
Area = 240 square feet

2. Convert the area to square yards:
Since the tile price is given in square yards, we need to convert square feet to square yards.
There are 9 square feet in 1 square yard.
240 square feet ÷ 9 = 26.67 square yards (approx.)

3. Calculate the cost of tiling:
Cost = Area × Price per square yard
Cost = 26.67 square yards × $8.91 per square yard

Now, to find the total cost, we multiply the number of square yards by the price per square yard:

Cost ≈ 26.67 square yards × $8.91/square yard
Cost ≈ $237.50 (approx.)

Therefore, it will cost approximately $237.50 to tile the kitchen floor.