What are some of the symptoms of a colon cancer? How could you determine these findings?


constipation, thin stomach cramps, bright red blood in your stool, unexplained weight loss,sense of fullness, nausea and vomiting, gas and bloating

oops i meant thin stool then stomach cramps did i help somewhat

Some common symptoms of colon cancer include:

1. Change in bowel habits - Persistent diarrhea or constipation.
2. Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool.
3. Abdominal pain or cramping.
4. Weakness or fatigue.
5. Unexplained weight loss.
6. A feeling that the bowel doesn't empty completely.
7. Bowel obstruction or narrow stools.

To determine these findings, it is important to consult a healthcare professional. They will conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include:

1. Medical history assessment - The doctor will inquire about any relevant symptoms, personal or family history of cancer, and other risk factors.
2. Physical examination - The healthcare provider will examine the abdomen for any abnormalities, check for rectal bleeding, and feel for any lumps or masses.
3. Diagnostic tests - Various tests may be ordered to evaluate the colon, such as colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or virtual colonoscopy. These procedures allow doctors to visualize the inside of the colon and rectum and look for any abnormal growths or tumors.
4. Biopsy - If any abnormal tissue is found during a colonoscopy or other examination, a sample may be collected for further analysis in a laboratory. This helps in confirming whether or not it is cancerous.

It is important to note that these symptoms can also be associated with other conditions, so a proper medical evaluation is crucial to determine the cause.