i have to write an persuasive essay on wolves and i have to decide whether the federal government should change the status of the gray wolf

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March 21,2011 Monday,Biology Decide whether the federal government should change the status of gray wolf. Write a persuasive statement to support your decision.

Today is March 21, 2011, Monday. And i was just looking for help so i decided to post this just in case someone needs this?

Biology Decide whether the federal government should change the status of gray wolf. Write a persuasive statement to support your decision.

-Answer:Yes because there are enough wolves now to hold a stable population. but therefore they must be hunted because they have no natural predators and soon there will be to many.Physical Appearance and Characteristics: What color are gray wolves? If you said gray you're partly correct, they can also have white, red or black fur. Gray wolves are 2- 2.5 feet tall (shoulder height) and their bodies are between 4-5 feet long. Male wolves weigh on average 90 pounds and females generally weigh 80 pounds. Gray wolves can run 35 m.p.h. and can jump 12 feetHabits and Reproductive Cycle: Gray wolves live in packs with 8 to 35 members. The leader of the pack is the alpha.
Gray wolves, like maned and red wolves, mate for life. Usually only the alpha pair breeds. Pairs mate in the winter and about 9 weeks later 2 to 14 pups are born. Pups are born blind. Other females in the pack help take care of newborn pups. Within 3 to 5 months the young pups are able to travel with the pack.Geographic Range: Presently the Gray Wolf inhabits Michigan's Upper Peninsula, northern Minnesota and Wisconsin and a large geographic range in Alaska, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Asia. The gray wolf once lived in diverse regions as Israel and Egypt.

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To write a persuasive essay on whether the federal government should change the status of the gray wolf, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Research the current status: Begin by gathering information on the current status of the gray wolf, understanding how it is currently classified, and the reasons behind it. Look into the relevant federal laws and regulations, scientific studies, and conservation efforts related to the gray wolf.

2. Identify arguments for and against change: Once you have a solid understanding of the current status, explore different perspectives regarding the change in status. Seek out arguments both in support of and against altering the gray wolf's status. Consider environmental, economic, and social impacts, as well as the implications for wildlife management.

3. Gather evidence: Collect supporting evidence for the arguments you plan to make in your essay. This can include scientific research, case studies, expert opinions, and data related to the gray wolf's population, habitat, ecological role, public perception, and any potential threats or benefits.

4. Structure your essay: Develop a clear and logical structure for your persuasive essay. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction that presents the issue and provides background information. Then, outline your arguments, dedicating separate paragraphs to each point you want to make. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and a conclusion that ties back to your thesis.

5. Craft a thesis statement: Compose a concise and clear thesis statement that reflects your stance on the issue. For example, "The federal government should change the status of the gray wolf due to [reasons]: [argument 1], [argument 2], and [argument 3]."

6. Present your arguments: In each body paragraph, elaborate on one argument supporting your thesis statement. Use the evidence and research you gathered to persuade your audience. Be sure to explain the potential benefits or consequences of changing the gray wolf's status and how it aligns with your thesis.

7. Address counterarguments: To strengthen your essay's persuasiveness, acknowledge and rebut counterarguments. Anticipate opposing viewpoints and address them thoughtfully. By doing so, you demonstrate your ability to anticipate objections and provide a well-rounded argument.

8. Conclude your essay: In your conclusion, summarize the main points you presented and restate your thesis statement. Leave the reader with a final thought that emphasizes the importance of the issue and the validity of your argument.

Remember to use reliable sources, cite your references properly, and proofread your essay to ensure it is well-written and coherent. Good luck with your persuasive essay on the status of the gray wolf!

yes because there are enough wolves now to hold a stable population. but therefore they must be hunted because they have no natural predators and soon there will be to many