-2(-6 + 4 x 3-3) would that be negative -30?


It is hard to interpret what you formula is.

-2(-6 + 4 x 3-3)

Use "*" to indicate multiplication rather than "x", because x is typically used as
an unknown in algebra.

Is it:

-2(-6 + 4) * (3-3)? If so, the answer will be zero, since 3-3=0, and anything multiplied by zero = zero.

-2(-6 + [4 * 3]-3) = -2(-6+12-3) = -2*3 = -6

You need to clarify the operations in your formula.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To solve the expression -2(-6 + 4 x 3 - 3), we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)).

Let's break down the steps to solve this expression:

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
-6 + 4 x 3 - 3.

Step 2: Perform the multiplication and division from left to right:
-6 + (4 x 3) - 3 = -6 + 12 - 3

Step 3: Perform the addition and subtraction from left to right:
-6 + 12 - 3 = 6 - 3 = 3

Step 4: Multiply the result by -2 (i.e., -2 * 3):
-2 * 3 = -6

Therefore, the final result is -6.

So, no, the expression -2(-6 + 4 x 3 - 3) is not equal to -30. It simplifies to -6.