how would y multiply 4 4/7 x 7 3/4?

how do u multiply fractions witha whole #?

You would turn the mixed number into an improper fraction.

(Whole number X Denominator)+ Numerator = new Numerator
Denominator stays the same.

Once you have done that to each mixed number, multiply the two numerators (that is the numerator of your final answer), then multiply the two denominators (that is the denominator of your final answer).


I hope this helps.

A container 6/8cup of yogurt. Franco buys 2 containers of yogurt. How many cups of yogurt is that?

To multiply fractions with a whole number, follow these steps:

1. Convert the whole number to a fraction by placing it over 1.
In this case, 4 becomes 4/1.

2. Multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together to get the new numerator.
4/7 x 4/1 = (4 x 4) / (7 x 1) = 16/7

3. Multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) together to get the new denominator.
4/7 x 4/1 = (4 x 4) / (7 x 1) = 16/7

4. Simplify the fraction if possible.
In this example, 16/7 cannot be simplified further.

5. Multiply the new fraction by the other mixed number in the same way.
16/7 x 7 3/4 = (16/7) x (7 3/4)

Now, let's multiply the mixed number by the fraction:

1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the numerator.
7 3/4 = (7 x 4 + 3) / 4 = 31/4

2. Multiply the two fractions together.
(16/7) x (31/4) = (16 x 31) / (7 x 4) = 496/28

3. Simplify the resulting fraction if possible.
The numerator and denominator can both be divided by 8:
496/28 = (496 ÷ 8) / (28 ÷ 8) = 62/7

Therefore, the product of 4 4/7 and 7 3/4 is equal to 62/7 or 8 6/7.