was socrates and elist?

I don't think he was but i need to double check.

* Elitist.

I agree. Socrates was not an elitist.

Check this site for more information.


To determine whether Socrates was an elitist or not, we can examine his philosophy and views on society. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher known for his profound influence on Western thought. He believed in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding through rigorous questioning and critical thinking.

Regarding elitism, Socrates did not espouse the concept of being an elitist. Instead, he advocated for the idea of a philosopher-king, a ruler who has attained wisdom and understanding through philosophical inquiry and is thus best equipped to govern justly and wisely. This concept, as described by Socrates in Plato's "Republic," does not imply an exclusive group of privileged individuals, but rather highlights the importance of wisdom and rationality in ruling.

To double-check this information, it is always advisable to consult reputable sources such as academic journals, scholarly books, or trusted websites that specialize in ancient philosophy or Greek history. These sources can provide more detailed information and analysis of Socrates' ideas on elitism and his overall philosophy.