4th grade math homework. rounding sums and differences.

paper say "round each number to its highest place. then estimate the sum or difference."
example says 92 +28=
then says round to 90 and 30 to make 120.
further down numbers get larger
12646 + 9103=
do i round to the tens place or the hundreds place

The highest place in the lowest number is thousands, so

9103 becomes 9000
12545 becomes 13000

adding, 22000

can you help me with my homework


To round numbers to their highest place, you need to determine which place value you want to round to. In the given example, 92 + 28, you are instructed to round to the highest place.

To perform the rounding correctly, you need to identify the highest place value in both numbers. In this case, the highest place value is the tens place since the numbers are in the tens and ones digits.

For 92, the tens digit is 9, and for 28, the tens digit is 2. When rounding to the nearest ten, you will keep the tens digit and change the ones digit to zero. Therefore, rounding 92 to the nearest ten gives you 90, and rounding 28 to the nearest ten gives you 30.

Next, you add the rounded numbers together: 90 + 30 = 120. This is the estimated sum.

Now, let's move on to the larger numbers you mentioned: 12646 + 9103.

You are still instructed to round each number to its highest place, so you need to determine which place value is the highest. In this case, the highest place value is the thousands place since both numbers have digits in the thousands place.

To round 12646 to the nearest thousand, you would round the hundreds digit. So, the hundreds digit (2) will be kept, and the tens and ones digits will be changed to zero, giving you 12000.

For 9103, you would round it to the nearest thousand as well, which means keeping the thousands digit (9) and changing the hundreds, tens, and ones digits to zero. Therefore, 9103 rounded to the nearest thousand becomes 9000.

Next, you add the rounded numbers together: 12000 + 9000 = 21000. This is the estimated sum.

In summary, when rounding sums and differences, you round each individual number to its highest place value and then perform the operation using the rounded numbers.