If you are writing an essay about a narrative in your textbook, do you italicize, underline, quote the title or what? Thanks!

If what you are quoting from is a poem or a short story, you put it in quotation marks.

If it's an entire novel, however, that's different.

Let us know if you need further help.


It is a narrative. I guess it is a short story then.

When writing an essay about a narrative in your textbook, you generally should use quotation marks to indicate the title of the specific narrative. This is the standard practice for shorter works, such as essays, short stories, or poems. Italicization is usually reserved for longer works, such as books, textbooks, or anthologies.

To provide proper credit and clarity to your readers, you can use quotation marks to enclose the title of the specific narrative within your essay. For example, if you are discussing a narrative titled "The Journey," you would write it as "The Journey."

Remember that consistency is important throughout your essay, so whatever formatting style you choose, be sure to apply it consistently to all the titles of narratives or other works you mention in your essay. Additionally, consult any specific style guide or instructions provided by your instructor or institution for any deviations from this general guideline.