Which would probably NOT be heard in a whole language classroom?

1."You can try those words on your own."
2."How do you think it is spelled?"
3."Copy these words from the board."
4."That's great! You spelled phone
f-o-n. You heard all the sounds."

According to my text,older practices are ignored in the whole language approach. Examples that are inappropriate are:

"Wait,you're not able or ready to
write properly."
"Here,trace or copy these alphabet
So, would #3, be the best answer?


Number 3 is not a part of whole language instruction.

Based on the information provided, it seems that option 3, "Copy these words from the board," would probably NOT be heard in a whole language classroom. In whole language approach, older practices such as copying words from the board or tracing alphabet letters are considered inappropriate. Whole language focuses on meaning-making, language acquisition, and encouraging students to explore language through context, rather than relying on explicit instruction or rote copying. So, in a whole language classroom, it is more likely that students would be encouraged to try words on their own (option 1), think about how words are spelled (option 2), or celebrate their effort in attempting to spell words (option 4).