i teach English at a high school and my students recently read of mice and men i need some good discussion questions for them.

I doubt if you're really an English teacher. You didn't capitalize, italicize, or underline the title of the novel. You also posted a run-on sentence.

Well thank you for the help.

Ms. Sue is right. You also just happen to have the same IP address as "Anonymous" who posted this question -- and got several good websites from SraJMcGin.


Of course! Here are some discussion questions you can use to engage your students in a discussion about "Of Mice and Men":

1. Is George justified in his decision to prevent Lennie from facing the consequences of his actions? Why or why not? (To answer this question, students can refer to passages of the book where George discusses his reasons for taking care of Lennie.)

2. How does Steinbeck depict the relationship between George and Lennie? Do you think it is a true friendship or just a symbiotic relationship? (To answer this question, students can analyze the interactions and conversations between George and Lennie throughout the novel.)

3. The novella explores themes of loneliness and isolation. How are these themes portrayed through different characters in "Of Mice and Men"? (To answer this question, students can examine the experiences and emotions of characters such as Crooks, Curley's wife, and Candy.)

4. What role does the dream of owning a farm play in the lives of the characters? How does the dream affect their actions and decisions throughout the story? (To answer this question, students can explore the motivations and aspirations of characters like George, Lennie, and Curley's wife.)

5. Steinbeck often uses animal imagery and symbolism in the novel. Identify and discuss examples of animal symbolism, and explain how they contribute to the understanding of the characters and themes in the story. (To answer this question, students can analyze metaphors and descriptive language used by the author.)

6. Explore the concept of power and its different manifestations in the book. How does the power dynamic between characters shape their relationships and influence the events of the story? (To answer this question, students can discuss the power dynamics between George and Lennie, Curley and the workers, and other characters.)

To further enhance the discussion, encourage your students to provide evidence from the text to support their answers and engage in a respectful exchange of ideas.