What's one good word that all sums up to seeing an advertisement triggers your emotions, like when you see something, cute like a dog, you go "awe" and you feel like buying the dog...or when you look at a food commercial, you think it's tasty and you feel like buying and eating the food.

Please!!!! Someone help me!!! I'm stuck on this -_-!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance.

I am not positivly but to me when looking at an advertisement i think of "hmmmm" or I just say "intresting" and my mind just thinks about what i read in the advertising if it is in a poster. I hope it helps a little

What? I need like a word or a few words that define what I wrote initially...

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. At the moment I can not think of one word but perhaps "catches your eye," or "grabs your attention" rather than "overwhelms."

Is "empathic-empathy" what you are looking for?

I would think Cool! or Awessome!

The word you are looking for is "persuasion." Seeing an advertisement that triggers your emotions and influences your behavior is a common tactic used in persuasive marketing. The key concept here is emotional appeal, which is when advertisers use specific content, imagery, or narratives to evoke particular emotions in viewers or consumers.

To understand this better, let me break it down into a few steps:

1. First, advertisements are designed to create an emotional response in viewers. Advertisers carefully craft their messages to elicit specific emotions like joy, sadness, surprise, or excitement.

2. These emotional responses help to grab attention and engage the audience. For example, a cute dog in an advertisement triggers the emotion of awe or adoration, capturing your attention and creating a positive association with the product or brand being advertised.

3. The emotions evoked by the advertisement can influence our perceptions and decision-making processes, making us more likely to purchase or desire the product being advertised. This is often referred to as emotional persuasion.

4. Advertisers also rely on the principle of association. By associating positive emotions with their products, they create a desire within us to experience those emotions by acquiring the advertised product.

Therefore, the word you are looking for is "persuasion." Advertisements aim to persuade or convince consumers to purchase a product or service by evoking specific emotions and creating a desire to possess or experience what is being advertised.