Can someone help me to paraphrase this sentence.

Title of the article is "Becoming a Writer" by Russell Baker


"I hated the assignments to turn out "compositions," and went at them like heavy labor, luckluster paragraphs that were agonies for teachers to read and for me to write."

I would appreciate any help

I would rather write creatively than by a standardized formula.

This would be what I would call the "gist" of that sentence. However, the original sentence is much more graphic and interesting.

Sure! I can help you paraphrase that sentence. Here's a possible paraphrase:

"I strongly disliked working on the writing tasks designated as 'compositions' and approached them with the same level of effort as laborious work. The resulting lackluster paragraphs caused discomfort for both my teachers during the grading process and for myself when attempting to write them."

To paraphrase the sentence effectively, I replaced some of the words and restructured the sentence while preserving the original meaning. Feel free to make further adjustments based on your preference and the context in which you'll be using the paraphrase.