How does our family employment size differ from our grandparents

To understand how your family's employment size differs from that of your grandparents, you would need to compare the number of employed family members in each generation. Here are a few steps you can take to gather this information:

1. Start by talking to your parents or other close relatives who have knowledge about your family's employment history. They may have information about the jobs and working status of your grandparents.

2. Examine family documents, such as old photographs, letters, or even employment-related documents like pay stubs, employment records, or tax returns. These historical records can provide insights into the employment status of your grandparents.

3. If available, you can also check census records or public archives that may contain employment-related data for different generations. Online genealogy websites or local historical societies might be useful resources to search for such records.

4. Conduct interviews or casual conversations with older family members who may recall details about your grandparents' employment. Ask them about the jobs your grandparents held, whether they were working full-time, part-time, or unemployed, and any other relevant information.

By combining information from multiple sources and engaging in conversations with family members, you can develop a clearer understanding of how your family's employment size differs from that of your grandparents.