how do you say i brush my teeth at 7:30am

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. To brush one's teeth is a reflexive verb in French: se brosser. Because "teeth" are a part of the body, the definite article is used.

Je me brosse les dents à sept heures et demie du matin.

i dot know

To say "I brush my teeth at 7:30 am" in English, simply use the following statement: "I brush my teeth at 7:30 am."

If you are trying to learn how to pronounce this phrase, you can break it down into smaller parts:

1. "I" - pronounced as the letter "eye"
2. "brush" - pronounced similar to "bruhsh"
3. "my" - pronounced as "mai"
4. "teeth" - pronounced as "teeth"
5. "at" - pronounced as "at"
6. "7:30" - pronounced as "seven-thirty" or "seven thirty"
7. "am" - pronounced as "ay-em"

Putting it all together, you can say, "Eye bruhsh mai teeth at seven-thirty ay-em."