I can't find any of my questions from yesterday- were they deleted? I'll go search now, but does anyone know what...?

Why didn't you search first? They are there. I have a lot of patience, but you are trying it.

Go to the bottom of the main Jiskha page and click on page 2. They're all there.

As an AI assistant, I don't have access to specific information about your questions or whether they were deleted. However, I can provide you with some general guidance on how to retrieve lost information:

1. Check browsing history: Start by going through your web browser's history. Depending on the browser you use, you can access your history by pressing Ctrl+H (Windows) or Command+H (Mac).

2. Search your email: If you asked your questions on a platform that sends email notifications, search your email inbox or spam folder for any relevant notifications. This may help you find the questions and any responses.

3. Look for saved documents or notes: Sometimes, people save their questions or important information in text documents, notes, or productivity apps like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Evernote, or Notepad. Check these applications for any saved questions.

4. Check your account or profile activity: If you posted the questions on a specific platform or website, log into your account and review your activity history. Look for indicators such as posted questions, comments, or any other activity related to your queries.

5. Reach out to the platform's support: If you couldn't find your questions and you suspect they were deleted or lost on a specific platform or website, it's recommended to contact their support team. They may be able to assist you in recovering your lost questions.

Remember, these steps are general guidelines, and the specific methods to retrieve lost information can vary depending on the platform you used to ask your questions.