38, 39, 40, 41, 190, 240, 241

What is the next number>
Does anyone know where I can learn about breaking this type of code online somewhere pls?

242, 243, 292,342,343,344,345,393,443...

It is a gift to recognize sequences, I don't know that it can be taught on the web.

thank you lots.. yeah I asked my older brother and he didn't have a clue :)

Actually I don't think that this is the answer to the todays Trivia but feel free to try. Remember that so far it was never logic numbers but always from the SB page.

To find the pattern and determine the next number in the sequence, you need to analyze the given numbers. Let's look at the pattern:

38, 39, 40, 41, 190, 240, 241

At first glance, the progression seems irregular, but upon closer inspection, we can notice a few things:

The numbers 38 to 41 increase by 1 each step. So, the next number after 41 would be 41 + 1 = 42.

After that, we have 190, which is quite different from the previous numbers. However, if we observe closely, we can see that adding 150 to the previous number 41 gives us 190.

Similarly, the next number in the sequence is obtained by adding 150 to the previous number, i.e., 190 + 150 = 340.

Finally, we can observe that the next number after 340 is obtained by adding 1 to the previous number, giving us 341.

Therefore, the next number in the sequence would be 341.

As for learning how to break this type of code online, I recommend searching for resources related to number sequences, pattern recognition, or mathematical series. Websites like Khan Academy, Brilliant, or even educational YouTube channels can provide tutorials and explanations on various mathematical patterns and sequences.