GENTAMICIN SULFATE INJECTION IS PRESCRIBED "IM" IN THREE EQUALLY DIVIDED DOSES,DOSAGE BASED ON THE FORMULATION 3mg/kg/day.How many ML should be administered per dose to a 110-lb patient if a vial contains 40mg/ml ?

To calculate the number of milliliters (mL) that should be administered per dose, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the weight of the patient from pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg). Since 1 lb is approximately 0.4536 kg, we can calculate it as:

110 lb * 0.4536 kg/lb = 49.8952 kg

So, the weight of the patient is approximately 49.8952 kg.

Step 2: Calculate the total dosage per day based on the formulation, which is 3 mg/kg/day. Multiply this dosage by the weight of the patient:

3 mg/kg/day * 49.8952 kg = 149.6856 mg/day

Step 3: Determine the total dosage per dose. We know that the medication concentration is 40 mg/mL. So, divide the total dosage per day by the concentration:

149.6856 mg / 40 mg/mL = 3.742 mL

Therefore, 3.742 mL should be administered per dose to the patient.

Note: Since the prescription states that the dosage should be divided into three equally divided doses, each dose should be approximately 3.742 mL.