is this book authorized?

No. The biography of Rowlin by Smith was not authorized.

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so, would this be ok to do for a Book Study project for school if it's not authorized?

I found this on the site u gave me: NOTE: This book is not yet out in the United States. American readers will have to go to through a British mail order house or online bookseller, such as Amazon UK. Now what?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help. To "he who must not be named" it would be best to check with your teacher to see if that is acceptable or not.

To determine if a book is authorized, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Check the author's credibility: Research the author to verify if they are reputable or have a track record of authorized publications. Look for information about their background, qualifications, or any endorsements they may have received.

2. Investigate the publisher: Look into the publishing company behind the book. Established and reputable publishers are more likely to ensure that the content they release is authorized. Research the publisher's reputation, history, and previous works they have published.

3. Read reviews and endorsements: Look for reviews or endorsements from reliable sources, such as reputable book critics, experts in the field, or well-known authors and scholars. Positive feedback from credible sources can indicate that the book is authorized.

4. Verify official authorization: Some books may have an official statement or endorsement from the organization or person whose story or topic is being depicted. Look for any acknowledgments, permissions, or statements of authorization provided within the book.

5. Consult the official sources: If in doubt, contact the author, publisher, or the organization/person involved to verify the book's authorization. They can provide you with the necessary information to confirm if the book is authorized.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can gain a clearer understanding of whether a book is authorized or not.