what comes before god poor people needs it rich people don't and if you eat it you will die

Try to find a copy of the Ten Commandments of the Christian bible, and see what is said to come before God.

Think also of something you can eat that will eventually kill you, that also meets the other criteria (rich people need it and poor people don't).

It's a riddle; don't expect a 'normal' answer -- think laterally.

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The answer to the riddle you asked is "nothing." Now, let's break it down and explain how we arrived at this answer.

In this riddle, we are given three pieces of information: "what comes before God," "poor people need it, rich people don't," and "if you eat it, you will die." We need to find a common answer that fulfills all of these conditions.

1. "What comes before God": This phrase suggests that we are dealing with something that comes before the concept of God or is more important than God.

2. "Poor people need it, rich people don't": This statement implies that the item in question is necessary for poor people, but not for rich people.

3. "If you eat it, you will die": This line indicates that consuming this thing would be fatal.

Putting all the information together, we can deduce that the answer is "nothing." "Nothing" comes before the concept of God (as it is an absence of something), poor people may need things, but rich people have everything they need, and eating nothing would indeed cause death.

So, the solution to this riddle is "nothing."