why do you think Scottish hares grow a white coat in winter

why hares in the south of England don¡¦t do the same.

These are two different species of hare, mountain hare and brown hare. The mountain hare found in Scotland grows the white coat in winter and brown hare found in England and Wales does not. The while coat is presumably a defence against being seen against the snow and may provide some extra insulation.

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The reason why Scottish hares grow a white coat in winter while hares in the south of England don't do the same is related to their evolutionary adaptation to their respective environments.

Scottish hares grow a white coat in winter as a survival strategy known as camouflage, helping them blend in with the snowy landscape. This adaptation allows them to remain hidden from predators, such as foxes or birds of prey, increasing their chances of survival. The white coloration of their fur helps them avoid being easily spotted, as they can merge with the snowy background.

On the other hand, hares in the south of England don't possess the same adaptive trait due to the different climatic conditions in their region. In southern England, winters are generally milder with less snowfall compared to Scotland. The absence of a consistent snowy landscape makes a white coat less advantageous for camouflage. Consequently, hares in southern England haven't developed the same adaptation as their Scottish counterparts.

To further understand this, you could conduct research on the habitats, behavior, and evolutionary history of Scottish and southern English hares. Studying scientific papers, articles, or consulting reputable sources can provide more in-depth explanations and insights into the specific reasons behind these differences.