I can't unscramble this word it is a compound or a collective noun it is afsedrniru

I found a compound word and nearly 1,000 phrases in this site. You probably can use the first word.




I noticed that you posted what looks like a real full name. Generally, that is not a safe practice for young persons to do on the internet. I recommend your first name, or a made up screename. You might want to discuss it with your parents.

i know avery i cant get it eithr can sumbody help me please

To unscramble the word "afsedrniru," you can try rearranging the letters to form different combinations until you come up with a meaningful word. Here are some possible words that could be formed:

1. Unfair
2. Infused
3. Sardine
4. Friend

Based on your description that it is a compound or collective noun, the word "friend" seems to be the most appropriate.