i have to do a homework assignment on how the earths orbit and tilt are causing global warming and i cant find anything but greenhouse effect please help. i gotta turn this in tomarrow

To understand how the Earth's orbit and tilt are connected to global warming, you'll need to consider the concept of Milankovitch cycles. These cycles explain variations in the Earth's orbit and axial tilt over long periods of time, and how they can influence climate change. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find the information you need:

1. Start by searching for "Milankovitch cycles." This will give you an overview of the concept and its connection to climate change. Look for reliable sources such as scientific journals, educational websites, or government publications.

2. Understand the different components of Milankovitch cycles. There are three main factors at play: eccentricity, axial tilt (obliquity), and precession.

3. Explore how these factors affect the amount and distribution of solar energy the Earth receives. For example, changes in eccentricity affect the distance between the Earth and the Sun, which impacts the intensity of solar radiation.

4. Learn how these variations in solar energy can influence climate patterns over long periods, which is where global warming comes into play. Investigate scientific studies or articles that analyze the connection between Milankovitch cycles and climate change.

5. Look for evidence that supports the hypothesis that Milankovitch cycles impact global warming. This could include temperature records from the past, ice core data, or computer modelling studies. Be sure to cite specific examples in your homework assignment.

6. Analyze why the greenhouse effect is still a crucial factor in global warming, despite the influence of orbital and tilt variations. Understand how greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and contribute to rising global temperatures.

7. Summarize your findings and develop a clear explanation of how the Earth's orbit and axial tilt interact with the greenhouse effect to cause global warming. Use simple language and diagrams, if necessary, to communicate your understanding effectively.

Remember, it's important to prioritize reliable sources and scientific evidence to support your arguments. Good luck with your homework assignment!