Is this an example of an assonance?

"Let me in,"

Said the pin.

I don't think so. There's a rhyme (in/pin) but no assonance (repeated vowel sounds; think alliteration with vowels).

On second thought, I was too focused on "Look, there's a rhyme, probably not assonance" to notice:

Let in said pin

Where, depending on pronunciation, you could get the same (or close to the same) eh sound in each word, as well as 'the'.
I'm not sure, honestly.

I'm never sure.

I don't know why I post here.

"Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds but not consonant sounds as in consonance.

Sweet sleep sweeps the Greek fleet "

would it be alliteration or a metaphor?

Neither. ô.o

If anything, it's assonance.

Yes, the phrase "Let me in," said the pin" is an example of assonance. Assonance is a literary device that involves the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words, particularly stressed syllables. In this case, the vowel sounds of the words "let," "me," and "said" all have the short "e" sound, creating an assonant effect.