complete subject and simple subject of this sentence.

They can be funny or serious.

"They" are both subject and simple subject.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To identify the complete subject and simple subject of the sentence "They can be funny or serious," we need to break down the sentence.

The complete subject refers to the entire subject of a sentence, including any modifiers. In this case, the complete subject is "They can be funny or serious."

The simple subject, on the other hand, is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. It does not include any modifiers. In this case, the simple subject is "They."

To figure this out, follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb in the sentence (a word that shows the action or state of being). In this case, the verb is "can be."

2. Ask yourself, "Who or what can be funny or serious?" The answer is "They."

Therefore, the complete subject is "They can be funny or serious," and the simple subject is "They."