What was the most important factor that led to the defeat of the Chinese Nationalists by the Communists?

A. Their cooperation with local landlords and regional officials.

B. Their alliance with Japan that ended the war.

C. They appealed to workers who were often discriminated against by the rural majority.

D. They appesled to rural peoples desire for political power and greater access to land.

Be sure you let us know what YOU think the answer is. Then someone here will give you feedback.



Why would China recreate its empire-just 400 years after the fall of the Han-when Rome could not? Are there similarities between the Qin-Han transition and that of the Sui-Tang? Between Han and tang expansion and contraction?

Why would China recreate its empire-just 400 years after the fall of the Han-when Rome could not? Are there similarities between the Qin-Han transition and that of the Sui-Tang? Between Han and tang expansion and contraction?

To determine the most important factor that led to the defeat of the Chinese Nationalists by the Communists, we can analyze the provided options:

A. Their cooperation with local landlords and regional officials: This option suggests that the Nationalists' collaboration with local landlords and regional officials might have played a role in their defeat. However, it is important to note that this cooperation alone may not have been the most significant factor leading to their defeat.

B. Their alliance with Japan that ended the war: This option suggests that the Nationalists' alliance with Japan, which subsequently ended the war, could have been a crucial factor. However, it is worth noting that this alliance weakened the Nationalists' credibility and popularity among the Chinese people, as Japan was seen as an oppressive force.

C. They appealed to workers who were often discriminated against by the rural majority: This option highlights the Communists' appeal to workers who faced discrimination from the rural majority. While this could have been a contributing factor, it may not necessarily be the most important one.

D. They appealed to rural people's desire for political power and greater access to land: This option suggests that the Communists' appeal to the rural population, addressing their aspirations for political empowerment and land redistribution, was a significant factor in their victory. This factor aligns with the Communist ideology which focused on grassroots support and appealing to the rural majority.

Considering these options, the most important factor that led to the defeat of the Chinese Nationalists by the Communists is likely D. The Communists' ability to appeal to the rural population's desire for political power and greater access to land played a crucial role in their victory. By championing the interests of the rural majority, the Communists were able to garner significant support and weaken the Nationalist forces.