How can I triple the volume of water?

How much do you have and what are you supposed to do with it?

used to measure fluids..( first word) (AADEGRTU)

I'm sure the word is graduate but you are referring to a graduated cylinder.

i have to make a box and pour in 5ml of water and when it comes out it needs to be 15ml.

To triple the volume of water, you would need to add an additional two times the amount of water you currently have. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Determine the current volume of water you have. Let's say it's V liters.

2. Multiply the current volume by 2 to calculate the additional water needed: 2 * V = 2V liters.

3. Add the additional water to the current volume: V + 2V = 3V liters.

So, to triple the volume of water, you need to add two times the amount of water you currently have.