What are the synonyms and antonyms for the word resourcefulness? Thank you.

Could you give me some examples of resourcefulness.

My favorite idea of resourcefulness is that woman was the first tool user. Because she was short and had short arms, she used a stick -- or whatever else was handy -- to reach stuff that was too high. That's resourcefulness.

A child who pleads to be read one more story -- thus delaying his/her bedtime -- is using resourcefulness to accomplish the purpose.

To find synonyms and antonyms for a word, you can use a thesaurus. Thesauri are available as physical books or through various online resources. Let me help you find synonyms and antonyms for the word "resourcefulness."

First, we will search for synonyms. You can visit a reputable online thesaurus website, such as Thesaurus.com or Merriam-Webster.com. On these websites, you can search for the word "resourcefulness" and receive a list of synonyms.

Now, I will look up the word "resourcefulness" on Thesaurus.com. Here are a few synonyms for resourcefulness:

1. Ingenuity
2. Cleverness
3. Resource
4. Inventiveness
5. Initiative

Next, let's search for antonyms. Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. To find antonyms for "resourcefulness," you can either use the same thesaurus websites or search for the word "antonyms for resourcefulness" with a search engine.

Searching for the antonyms of "resourcefulness" on Thesaurus.com, I found these possibilities:

1. Ineptitude
2. Ineffectiveness
3. Incompetence
4. Helplessness
5. Impotence

Remember, using a thesaurus is a useful tool to expand your vocabulary and find alternative words with similar or opposite meanings.