Can anyone give me examples of the definitions: social construction of reality, self-fulfilling prophecy, and incorrigible proposition?

Certainly! I'd be happy to provide examples and explain the definitions of these concepts.

1. Social construction of reality:
The social construction of reality refers to the idea that our understanding of reality is shaped by social and cultural influences. It suggests that our perception of reality is not solely based on objective facts but is, in fact, influenced by the beliefs, values, and norms of the society we live in. For example, consider the concept of beauty. Different cultures and societies have different criteria for what they consider beautiful. These cultural norms shape individuals' perception of beauty, leading to variations in what is deemed attractive in different societies.

2. Self-fulfilling prophecy:
A self-fulfilling prophecy refers to a belief or expectation that influences an individual's behavior, resulting in the expectation coming true. It is a concept where our beliefs about a particular outcome can actually cause that outcome to happen. For example, imagine a student who believes they will fail a test. This belief may lower their motivation to study and engage in effective test preparation, increasing the likelihood of poor performance and ultimately fulfilling their initial belief of failure.

3. Incorrigible proposition:
An incorrigible proposition refers to a statement that is considered to be immune from falsification or correction. It is a proposition that is so inherently subjective or personal that it cannot be objectively tested or proved. For example, someone may say, "I feel happy." This statement cannot be empirically proven or disproven because it is based on the individual's subjective emotional experience. Therefore, it is considered an incorrigible proposition.

To find more examples or further explore these concepts, you can refer to social science texts or explore academic resources on sociology, psychology, or philosophy, as these concepts are often discussed in those fields.