list 5 careerrs in home economics.

and your point is?????

Check this list.

And isn't it unfortunate not to see "teacher" listed there. Apparently nearly all, if not all, schools have dropped classes like home economics, drafting, wood/metal shop and other things that are important in daily living and vocational trades.


Haliyah math basic science home economic basic technology music civic education social studies computer ldm c.r.k Islamic studies p. H.e agricultural science literature Yoruba French fine art business studies English

Clothing and textiles

Sure! Here are five careers in Home Economics:

1. Food Scientist/Nutritionist: A food scientist or nutritionist studies the nutritional content of different foods and develops new products. They may work in research and development for food companies, government agencies, or private organizations.

To find more careers related to Home Economics, you can do the following:

1. Research Online: Use search engines like Google to find more career options related to Home Economics. Search for terms like "careers in Home Economics" or "jobs in Home Economics" to get a list of relevant careers.

2. Occupational Outlook Handbook: Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook ( and search for "Home Economics" or related terms. This comprehensive resource provides detailed information about various careers, including their job duties, requirements, salary outlook, and more.

3. Talk to Professionals: Reach out to professionals working in the field of Home Economics or related areas. You can contact local food scientists, nutritionists, dietitians, culinary experts, interior designers, or family and consumer scientists to gain insights into their career paths.

4. Career Guidance Counselor: Consult a career guidance counselor or advisor who can provide personalized guidance based on your interests, skills, and goals. They can help you explore various career options in Home Economics and suggest suitable paths for you to consider.

Remember, the field of Home Economics encompasses a wide range of careers apart from the ones mentioned above. By conducting thorough research and seeking guidance from professionals, you can discover many exciting career opportunities related to Home Economics.