How can I prove that advertising GREATLY influences in shaping consumer's purchase decision?

So far, I have peer pressure, discounts...I'm not sure if they're even strong ideas :?

To prove that advertising GREATLY influences consumer's decisions, you'd need to cite studies showing the purchases made for products that weren't advertised were less than for products that were heavily advertised.

ok, that will help me with my proofs, but I need ideas on what points to use...

To prove that advertising greatly influences shaping consumer's purchase decisions, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct a literature review: Start by researching scholarly articles, case studies, and market research reports that specifically focus on the impact of advertising on consumer behavior. This will provide you with a strong foundation of existing evidence and theories.

2. Analyze statistical data: Look for data that demonstrates a correlation between advertising efforts and consumer behavior. This could include sales data, market share, or consumer surveys that track the influence of advertising on purchase decisions.

3. Conduct experiments: Design controlled experiments to isolate the impact of advertising on consumer behavior. For example, you can create two groups of participants: one exposed to advertising for a particular product, and the other not exposed. Then, measure their subsequent purchase decisions and compare the results.

4. Consider qualitative research: In addition to quantitative data, gather qualitative insights through interviews or focus groups. This will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of consumers' perceptions, attitudes, and experiences related to advertising.

5. Account for other factors: Remember that consumer behavior is influenced by various factors beyond just advertising. Consider factors like personal preferences, word-of-mouth recommendations, brand reputation, and product quality. Ensure you control for these factors in your analysis to attribute the influence specifically to advertising.

6. Compile and interpret the evidence: Once you have gathered all the relevant data, analyze and interpret it to draw conclusions. Look for consistent patterns, statistical significance, and a strong association between advertising and purchase decisions.

By following these steps, you will be able to build a compelling case demonstrating the significant influence of advertising in shaping consumer purchase decisions.