three-fourths of a gallon is how many eights of a gallon?

3/4=x/8 (solve for x)

I asked the question

To find out how many eighths of a gallon there are in three-fourths of a gallon, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the relationship between gallons and eighths of a gallon:
- There are 8 equal parts, called eighths, in one whole gallon.

2. Convert three-fourths of a gallon to eighths:
- Since we know that there are 8 eighths in one whole gallon, we can set up a proportion:
"3/4 gallon is to x eighths, as 1 gallon is to 8 eighths."
- The proportion can be written as:
(3/4) / 1 = x / 8
- Cross-multiply and solve for x:
3/4 * 8 = x
24/4 = x
6 = x

Therefore, three-fourths of a gallon is equal to 6 eighths of a gallon.