how do i make a report over a culture??

You research the culture and take notes. Some of the things that may make this culture different from others include geographic location, history, language, religion, family life, economics, favorite foods and music.

After you've found your information, then you can write your report.

Reports should have an introduction, including a thesis statement, a body with all of the information, and a conclusion that sums up what you've written in the body of the paper.

Use Info Search to help you find information.

Use Step by Step to help you plan and write your report.


To make a report on a particular culture, you will need to gather information and organize it in a structured manner. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Choose a Culture: Select the specific culture you want to report on. This could be a global culture like Greek or Japanese, or a subculture like hip-hop or surfing.

2. Research: Start by gathering information about the chosen culture from reliable sources. Consider using a combination of books, academic journals, reputable websites, and interviews with experts in the field.

a. Books and Journals: Look for scholarly books and articles that provide in-depth analysis and insights into the cultural practices, history, and beliefs of the culture you are studying.

b. Websites: Use reputable websites such as government sites, educational institutions, cultural organizations, or museums. Make sure to critically evaluate the credibility and accuracy of the information.

c. Interviews: If possible, reach out to individuals who have expertise or firsthand experience with the culture. They can provide valuable insights and unique perspectives.

3. Note-taking: As you conduct your research, take detailed notes on key aspects of the culture. This includes elements such as history, traditions, customs, religion, art, language, social structure, cuisine, clothing, and any relevant current issues.

4. Outline: Create an outline for your report. This will help you structure your findings and organize the information logically. An example outline could include: introduction, historical background, cultural practices, religious beliefs, art and entertainment, and conclusion.

5. Writing the Report: Start by introducing the culture and providing some context. Include important historical background to help the reader understand the cultural development. Then, present the main features of the culture in a logical manner, using subheadings if necessary. Be clear, concise, and use proper citations when referencing your sources.

6. Analysis: Alongside presenting factual information, consider analyzing the influence of the culture on society, its impact on other cultures or subcultures, and any significant changes or controversies associated with it.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and wrap up your report. You can also include personal reflections on what you found interesting or significant about the culture.

8. Citations and References: It is critical to give proper credit to your sources by including citations and references. Use a recognized citation style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style.

9. Proofread and Edit: Take the time to review your report for errors, clarity, and coherence. Ensure that the formatting is consistent and that your ideas flow logically.

10. Presentation: If required, prepare a presentation to accompany your report. Use visuals such as photos, maps, or videos to enhance your audience's understanding of the culture.

Remember, plagiarism is unacceptable. Use your own words and give credit where it's due by properly citing all your sources.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create a well-structured and informative report on a particular culture.