i was wondering if someone could either suggest to me some good websites or actually post the info about the gist of the book "lovely bones" esp. the main character...i have no idea what this book is about or anything, but there is an attempt at a production of it and i wanted to audition, so if anyone has good info about the story and main character, whom i was told is a 14 year old girl, i would be SO grateful!! thank u!!


Scroll down a bit and you can read the book's description under Editorial Reviews.


(Broken Link Removed)


Certainly! "The Lovely Bones" is a novel written by Alice Sebold. It was published in 2002 and became a bestseller. The story is narrated by the main character, Susie Salmon, who is indeed a 14-year-old girl.

To get more information about the book and its main character, there are a few options:

1. Visit the author's official website: You can start by visiting Alice Sebold's official website to learn more about her and her writing. This may provide you with some insights into her perspective and inspiration for "The Lovely Bones."

2. Read book summaries: You can find detailed summaries of "The Lovely Bones" on various book-related websites such as Goodreads, SparkNotes, or CliffsNotes. These summaries will give you an overview of the plot, including the experiences of the main character.

3. Check out book reviews: Reading book reviews can give you an idea of what readers thought about the book and its main character. Reviews often provide opinions and analysis, which can help you understand and evaluate the story better.

4. Borrow or purchase the book: If you prefer a more in-depth understanding of the story and main character, you can borrow the book from a library or purchase a copy. This way, you can read the novel firsthand and immerse yourself in the narrative.

By exploring these resources, you should be able to gather enough information about "The Lovely Bones" and its main character, Susie Salmon, to help you prepare for your audition. Best of luck!