what final events triggered king leoplods handover of thre congo?

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what moivated missionaries to go to the congo?

To understand the final events that triggered King Leopold's handover of the Congo, we need to delve into the historical context. King Leopold II of Belgium started exploiting the Congo Free State in the late 19th century for its valuable resources, primarily rubber and ivory. His rule was characterized by brutal colonial practices, including forced labor, violence, and atrocities committed against the Congolese people.

Here are some key events that led to King Leopold's handover of the Congo:

1. Exposure of Atrocities: Journalists, missionaries, and human rights activists began to report on the horrendous human rights abuses committed by Leopold's regime in the Congo. One notable figure was British envoy Roger Casement, who authored the Casement Report in 1904, which detailed brutalities and slavery-like conditions in the Congo.

2. International Public Outrage: The reports and exposure of the atrocities in the Congo led to widespread international public outrage and condemnation. Humanitarian organizations and activists put pressure on governments and raised awareness about the plight of the Congolese people under Leopold's rule.

3. Diplomatic Pressure: As news of the atrocities spread, diplomatic pressure also mounted on King Leopold and the Belgian government. Various countries, including the United States and Britain, expressed their concerns and called for an end to the abuses in the Congo. This diplomatic pressure increased over time.

4. The Abandonment by Leopold: Facing mounting international pressure and realizing the increasing difficulty of maintaining control over the Congo, King Leopold reluctantly decided to hand over the administration of the territory to the Belgian government. In 1908, the Belgian parliament officially took control of the Congo as a colony.

It's important to note that while King Leopold might have handed over control of the Congo, the Congolese people still faced many challenges under Belgian colonial rule until the country's independence in 1960.